Freezer Cooking: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good – I won’t have to really think about a menu or dinner much over the next 2-3 months.  Plus, I had a fun weekend with friends doing the work.  Oh, and we did add in one additional set of meals for a friend going through chemo right now.  Her freezer is now full of meals and it’ll last her family a couple months.  So that’s pretty great feeling to be able add just a little bit more work and at the same time bless her family with a bunch of meals.

The Bad and The Ugly – Apparently I’m either not very organized or just did too much.  Every time we do freezer cooking I swear I’ll never do it again.  The task is so overwhelming: the planning, the shopping, the prepping, the cooking and the cleanup.  My feet and back hurt…still and it’s been 3 days.  And I don’t care if I ever see a zip lock baggie or baking dish again in my life.

This time I spent about 30 hours doing it….and my friends were there for most of it, too:

10 hours planning/shopping/unloading
10 hours on Friday night
5 hours on the Saturday finishing up what we didn’t on Friday
5 hours on Sunday cleaning my kitchen and dining room

This. Is. Ridiculous.

So if you are thinking about doing a freezer cooking marathon – GO FOR IT!  But be really prepared (better than me) and have some fun help to get through it all.

Anyhow – I KNOW it’s worth it but right now I just need to not think about it.

If I can be convinced to do this again I think we will split up the shopping and prep work evenly (chopping onions and carrots, cooking and shredding the chicken, cooking the ground turkey, etc).  If we do that I think it would save us about half the cooking time when we get together.

This time we did 15 different dinner recipes and 3 different dessert recipes.  We each took home two sets of meals and spent a total of $395 on 30 meals.

The recipes are:

* Any recipe without a link is listed out on this document (click here —–> Freezer Meals – August 2014).  These are my own recipes or ones I have used for years and there are no links to them online that I can find.  For those with links online you can hover over the recipe names for the links to them.  I have not posted these recipes on my attachment – so that I don’t get fussed at by the internet gods like I did last time.  : )

Oh, and a little bit of Vodka makes everything more fun… wasn’t added to the recipes, promise.

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